Yaesen BARREL 720ml
"Yaesen BARREL" is a kind of raw wine produced by direct fire distillation and stored and matured in oak barrels for a long time. Due to the production method, the output is very limited. The original wine is filled with a rich oak aroma and tastes as deep as whiskey, but has a more gorgeous and refreshing feeling than whiskey. This wine has gained many enthusiastic fans! "Yaesen BARREL" can be enjoyed in various ways, such as making it into a high ball or adding a small amount to hot chocolate. Yaesen has always been a pioneer in the industry of storing wine in barrels. We sincerely invite you to taste the unique taste that can only be experienced at Yaesen.
How to drink
Serve straight, on the rocks or with water.
Volume: 720ml
Alcohol :40%
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
Material provided by: Yaesen Shuzo
Learn more about the Yaequan brand
Video provided by: Ishigakijima's Awamori Yaesen Sake Brewery [Official] Youtube Channel
Okinawans teach you how to enjoy Awamori
Video provided by: ゴリ★オキナワYoutube Channal
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