Ryukyu Shikuwasa Carbonated Liquor 350ml
Ryukyu Shikuwasa carbonated liquor is a carbonated liquor made with only Okinawa Shikuwasa and awamori. Ryukyu Shikuwasa Carbonated Liquor is rich in sourness, full of punch, and full of color, aroma, and beauty! The sight and taste are also gorgeous, and the whole charm of Okinawa Shikuwasa is immersed in your body. Ryukyu Shikuwasa Carbonated Liquor does not use any acidifiers, flavors, or colorings, allowing you to directly enjoy the original aroma and taste of Okinawa Shikuwasa.
Capacity: 350ml
Alcohol: 5%
nder the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
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Ryukyu Shikuwasa Carbonated Liquor 350ml
Sale price$45.00